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Physique des systèmes complexes

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Année 2011

A. Tekaya, R. Bouzerar, V. Bourny
Mechanical suppression of tunneling between metallic beads
World Journal Of Engineering, in press (2011)

G. Chivot, V. Andrieux, L. Le Cunff, C. Meyer
Double Helices folding half Parabolic Focal Conics in chiral smectics
Liq. Cryst. 38, 6, 749-756 (2011)

I. Tekaya, R. Bouzerar, R. Bouzerar
A physical model for brain ventricle dynamics
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 14:sup1, 129-131 (2011)

Barbero G.; Lelidis I.
Electrical Response of a Medium Containing Dissociable Impurities
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (13), 3496-3504 (2011)

Vasseur H, Djellab K.
Planar and non-planar solidification of optically organised smectic films
Liquid Crystals 38 (5), 575-579 (2011)

A. Tekaya, R. Bouzerar, V. Bourny, I. Tekaya.
Electron tunneling in metallic beads systems and slow electric relaxation
World Journal Of Engineering Vol 8, numéro 2, (2011)

S. Bresson, D. Rousseau  , S. Ghosh  , M. El Marssi, V. Faivre
Raman spectroscopy of the polymorphic forms and liquid state of cocoa butter

Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 113 (8), 992-1004 (2011)

Année 2010

G. Foyart, A. Ponton, C. Meyer, L. Aymard
Structure et rhéologie de phases lyotropes nématiques dopées en microparticules monodisperses
Cahiers du GFR, Lyon, 3-5 Novembre (2010)

Vasseur H.
Cohesive suction-cup force in cell separation dynamics
EPL  91  (2)   Number: 28004    (2010)

C. Meyer, H. P. Logbo, B. Briouel, J.C. Picot, Yu. A. Nastishin, M. Kleman
Double helical defects in Smectic A and Smectic A* phases
Liq. Cryst. 37, 8, 1047-1057 (2010)

G. Barbero, C. Meyer and I. Lelidis
Rheological properties of a nematic cell oriented in a planar manner
Physics Lett. A 374, 2494 (2010)

B. Mettout, P. Tolédano and M. Fiebig
Symmetry replication and Toroidic effects in the multiferroic pyroxene NaFeSi2 O6
Physical Review B 81, 214417 (2010)

C. Meyer, Yu. A. Nastishin, M. Kleman
Helical defects in Smectic A and Smectic A* phases
Phys. Rev. E 82, 3, 031704-1-12 (2010)

B. Mettout and V. Lorman
Dual Symmetry in Bent-Core Liquid Crystals and Unconventional Superconductors
Symmetry 2, 15-39: (2010)

P. Tolédano, B. Mettout, W. Schranz and G. Krexner
Directional magnetoelectric effects in MnWO4, Magnetic sources of the electric polarization
J. Physics: Condens. Matter 22, 065901 (2010)


UPJV, Université Picardie Jules Verne

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